Rev Norman Hamilton: God is with you as you face uncertain future

Rev Norman HamiltonRev Norman Hamilton
Rev Norman Hamilton
The world of work is changing almost every day. For some it is changing for the better, but for many it has become ever more difficult. Working from home is now commonplace with the kitchen or spare room being pressed into active service.

Zoom calls proliferate. Schools are required to use technology to teach the children at home. Thousands of people are still on furlough. And many have been or will be made redundant. This means a large number of people are looking for a new job, or are very uncertain about what to do after getting a qualification at college or university.

In thinking about this rapidly changing environment, I am reminded of the wanderings of God’s people in the desert for 40 years after they left Egypt with all the trials, tribulations and emotions that it brought.

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The detailed story is in sometimes graphic detail in the book of Exodus. Yet, as the Israelites almost literally went around in circles, the promise of God to be with them was still there and still to be seen in a very visible way on what was a long and difficult journey.

They were reminded 24 hours a day, seven days a week, that God was with them. His presence, in the form of a cloud by day and fire by night, accompanied them throughout their wanderings.

The last verse of the book of Exodus puts it like this: “The cloud of the Lord was over the dwelling during the day and the fire was in it at night, visible to all the Israelites in all their travels.”

For those for whom their work situation is very difficult or uncertain, this promise that God is with them as they face an unknown future with lots of change is very important. This promise is equally important in many other spheres of life where there is also uncertainty or fear. Psalm 100 tells us clearly “the Lord is good and His love endures forever; His faithfulness continues through all generations”’.

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It is central to Christian faith that we trust God in every aspect of life. A friend recently said to me: “In the past year I have moved from having faith in God to having trust in Him.” My friend was clear he had handed over the details, unanswered questions, needs of everyday life to the Lord. He had become confident that God was with him in every set of circumstances – even though much was – and still is – uncertain and unknown in our constantly changing environment, as well as in the ups and downs of personal, family life.

It is a great privilege to be able to move from having faith in God to having trust in Him. And so well worth doing.

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